
Showing posts from December, 2021

Wish You Happy New Year to my dear friends & clients 🙏🌹

  Angel Bath Powder Makes Skin Tone, Brighten, lighten skin Helps in exfoliation, Combats premture Aging, Helps lightens blemishes Hide Sun Damage, Fade Dark Scars, Treat Acne, the appearance of fine lines. Dry, flaky, scaly, or rough skin Is made of luster skin.
  DevElixir Natural Cosmetics Angel bath powder: prevents & fades/lighten Pregnancy melasma, prevents & fades/lighten stretch marks[0]=AT3_q_dwhH15vCn5A4uLoRc6PDTe7zCZDk76TJGsib-_Sjg9O3PcrpvJSYcyZskF0gLGxLiEtadg8pmQWPpg_vn7mtN5jBpKsGadDoRk8WuaR-b1iPG_JFOYK8k0O9rlXrHL...
  Prevents hair fall, Promotes hair regrowth, Cures hair thinning, Improves hair thickness, Treats split end hair,, dry hair, brittle & damaged hair, Dull hair strengthens & nourishes hair roots, Improves density, hair length Prevent premature graying, soft, silky & strong hair, shielding from UVA and UVB rays, Protects environmental damage, Prevents sun damage., soothes deep sleep, Treats Rough Hair, frizz control soothe the uncomfortable scalp, helps unclog hair follicles, energize the scalp, oxygenate the roots,, prevent baldness., nourish and hydrate the scalp & hair...
    Drops hair oil (Ayurvedic) Hair re-growth, prevent hair fall, split end hair. Provides Shine and Volume, strengthens & nourishes hair roots, scalp. 
  DevElixir Natural Cosmetics Drops Ayurvedic Herbs hair oil for: Drops oil is perfect for those who have no time to apply oil on the scalp even if you know the benefits of applying the oil to the scalp daily and it is to reduce the risk of oil spills on the scalp. Otherwise, you want to prevent hair fall(Indralupta) and want to density long hair. This oil helps in making hair soft and strong. If you massage the hair with DROPS oil once a day OR Weekly two times then the problem of thinning of hair, dirt can be overcome in a few days.